the best team photo in the world...
Sloan Photography's leadership in team photography began in 1974. As the size of the teams grew it became obvious that using a sideline bench, or even stadium bleachers were not enough to line up a team photograph that wasn't composed mostly of grass, sky and stadium. We started with a two step riser, then four, then six, seven, and eight step. Today we have a set of five step risers to accommodate teams of up to 88 players and coaches. Our seven step risers can be used for teams of up to 131, with no one sitting on the ground.
These risers, while representing a tremendous expense and greatly increased workload, assure that our photographers will be able to get the very best team photograph possible.
The picture day packages we offer are simple to insure speed and accuracy, through reorders we offer a wide variety of products that can be purchased after the original package is received.
Our people, equipment, and system insure a well organized fast moving picture day that produces the finest product available anywhere. In addition to many middle schools and high schools we have done team photographs for dozens of colleges and 3 NFL teams, and our risers have been used in 6 Super Bowls since 2005.