In 1970 Sloan Photography was established by Bill Sloan, a hard working college student trying earn some extra money.  It all began by photographing local sports teams, fraternity parties and college couples.  In every case it was important to get proofs back to the clients in-order to keep the cash flowing into the business.

After finishing college Bill realized he had created a fledgling business and began to expand his horizons.  He soon had his first major client, "Six Flags over Texas" and was developing contacts within the Events Industry.

By 1980 Sloan Photography was firmly established within the Corporate Events Industry and Sports Photography arenas.  Sloan Photography now has clients all over the US and has worked with many of the major Fortune 500 companies and Premier Sporting franchises.

Bill Sloan has established his sterling reputation as a reliable and professional photographer who puts his customers first.

Our Story

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